
Chernobyl Simulation

An attempt to simulate the normal running, and then accident of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

Simulation of flooding in New Orleans

A not-very-accurate simulation of the flooding in New Orleans.

Physics Algorithms Book

This is a work in progress to write a book on physics algorithms. At the moment, it is about 1/3 finished though, but the latest version can be downloaded for free.

Quantum Mechanics

A no-nonsense description of quantum mechanics with no maths or philosophy. The concepts are explained with animations, which are mainly computer simulations of electrons.

Quantum Mechanics for programmers

A quick demo showing how to make simulations of simple quantum mechanics systems in javascript.

Benzene QMC Gallery

A gallery of images from an attempt to model the benzene ground state using a variational and diffusion monte carlo method.

The double slit and observers

A look at the double slit experiment. The first half is meant to be a clear explanation, using simulations. The second half discusses some of the philosophy / interpretations of quantum mecahnics.

Quantum Monte Carlo

This is a series of articles where I try to use quantum monte carlo to get ground state energies of simple molecules.


Mars Lander

An interactive simulation of a Mars Lander trying to land on Mars. The term "interactive" here means that you have to write the software, in Javascript, that will land the probe.

Mars Re-Entry

A ThreeJS simulation of Mars re-entry in a spaceship.

Moon Formation

A Kotlin N-Body code, and lots of animations of the collision between Earth and a hypothetical Theia that people think created the moon.

How SpaceX land first stage boosters

The algorithms that SpaceX (probably) use to control their first stage boosters. Several animations.

Saturn's rings

A simulation of Saturn's rings --- a few thousand particles are simulated, in a repeating tiled region. You use the mouse and keys to fly in it.


A simple demo of a simulation of an atmosphere. It looks quite cool, but there's not a lot you can do with it yet, and the physics isn't yet all that accurate.


Experimental Flying Game

Fly around in a plane. Some physics, but mainly just playing with websockets. If you can get a friend to play at the same time, you should be able to shoot each other down.


My latest (early 2018) thing is just a "normal" game: no real physics. It's just a game.

How to simulate fractal ice crystal growth in Python

This presents python code to draw snowflakes, simulating a diffusion process with Fourier transforms.

Monogame Shaders

Brief notes on how to use shaders in Monogame. This is maybe useful if you're trying to do exactly the same, and want to follow my steps exactly to get something working.

Generating Plant-like Structures Using Neural Networks

STEM Activities for Children 0-16 Years Old

STEM Activities for Babies/Toddlers (0-3 Years)

STEM Activities for Pre-School Children (3-6 Years)

STEM Activities for Primary School Children (6-11 Years)

STEM Activities for Secondary School Children (11-16 Years)

Science Saturdays: EYFS/Kindergarten Nature: Plants and Animals

Science Saturdays: EYFS/Kindergarten Physical Processes

Science Saturdays: EYFS/Kindergarten About Me!


Science Saturdays: EYFS/Kindergarten Materials

Science Saturdays: Year 1 Plants

Science Saturdays: Year 1 Materials

Science Saturdays: Year 1 Animals Including Humans

Science Saturdays: Year 1 Seasonal Changes / Weather

STEM Kit Reviews

Pollution Monitoring with Pico, PicoEnviro+, and PMS5003

Keyestudio Solar Tracker (KS0530)

Keyestudio IoT Smart House (ESP32 version: KS5009)

Keyestudio IOT Smart Farm (ESP32 version: KS0567)

Keyestudio Arduino Robot Car (KS0470)

Keyestudio Micro:bit Robot Car (KS4034F)

Keyestudio Mini Micro:bit Smart Robot Car (KS4036F)

Keyestudio Robot Arm (KS0488)

Machine Works V8 Engine

Machine Works 4-Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine

Machine Works Jet Engine

Construct & Create Hydraulic Cyborg Hand

Biomedical Engineering

BodyWorks: Neuromuscular Activity / Muscle EMG

An interactive simulation showing how nerves travel to and down muscles, and how this gets picked up by EMG sensors.

BodyWorks: Kinematics Tool

A page with a javascript application where you can set body positions, calculate joint angles and animate human motion.

BodyWorks: EMG Analysis

A page with a javascript application where you can interact with EMG data using various filters.

SimpleOpenNI and Processing Installation on Windows 10

A step-by-step guide to installing simpleOpenNI and Processing from Dr Jennifer Martay.

Running SimpleOpenNI 1.96 and Processing 3.5.4 within Windows 10 with a Kinect 360 camera

A beginner code (and link to more) to make sure that the installation worked. Also notes on required code changes due to versions.

Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Maths Exam Generator

Auto-generated maths exams, with and without answers. Set at A-level / end of high school / beginning of university.

Atomistic Simulation of Metals

This presents an interactive simulation of atoms making up a nanoscopic particle of metal.

Three Crystal Structures

A ThreeJS model of three crystal structures

Mohr's Circle Simulation

An interactive simulation to create Mohr's Circle

Effects Of Loads

Teaching tool for showing the effects of normal and shear loading

Stress Transformations

Calculate normal and shear stresses on an oblique plane

Other Topics

German Gender and Case Game

How big should my spaceship be?

Script to make house.ply



Other Articles:

How to simulate fractal ice crystal growth in Python

This presents python code to draw snowflakes, simulating a diffusion process with Fourier transforms.

BodyWorks: Neuromuscular Activity / Muscle EMG

An interactive simulation showing how nerves travel to and down muscles, and how this gets picked up by EMG sensors.

Simulation of flooding in New Orleans

A not-very-accurate simulation of the flooding in New Orleans.

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