I tend to (try to) learn languages by aiming to pick up enough to be understood as quickly as possible, and leaving the details until never.
So far, this has left me bad at german genders.
This article is an attempt to fix that: A gender and cases game.
You have to write the equivalent german phrase, using up, down, left, right and spacebar to select words to fill in the blanks.
Note that my intention is that the german phrase *is* correct, even though the english one is not. The words were entered in manually, and I've checked reasonably carefully, but there will doubtlessly be errors or exceptions that I've missed.
The phrases are not idiomatic: It randomly chooses sentence parts and puts them together. Don't learn phrases from this.
Firstly, some examples:
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AtmosphereA simple demo of a simulation of an atmosphere. It looks quite cool, but there's not a lot you can do with it yet, and the physics isn't yet all that accurate. |
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