Stress Transformations on an Oblique Cut

In this simulation, you can input an axial/longitudinal force and dimensions of a cross-sectional area.
Use your mouse to click and drag the yellow cut angle in the top block.
The corresponding normal stress σ_n and shear stress 𝝉_n at the cut are calculated and displayed at the bottom.

The simulation initially uses Fx = 100 N and Area = 1mm^2. You can change these by inputting your own number(s) below:
Input Axial/Longitudinal Force Fx (in N)
Cross-Sectional Area: Circular Radius (in mm) OR Square Side Length (in mm)

1. Write down the equations for σ_n and 𝝉_n in terms of Fx, Area, and Cut Angle.
2. Using the equations from Part 1, determine which Cut Angle gives max 𝝉_n.
3. Test your answer to Part 2 by trying a variety of Cut Angles in the simulation.
4. Model any Cut Angle in the simulation. Given your inputted Fx, Area, and Cut Angle, verify your hand-calculations for σ_n and 𝝉_n.
5. Input different Radius values to investigate how increased Radius affects σ_n and 𝝉_n.
6. Input the same magnitudes for "Radius" and then "Side Length" to see how cross-sectional area shape affects σ_n and 𝝉_n.

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