Maths Exam

1. Simplify 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \left(-2(-4) - -3\times5\right)2\left(1 - -3\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ 184$$ or 184.000

2. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{-4\times4 + \frac{3}{3}}{2\left(6 - 1\right)} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-3}{2}$$ or -1.50000

3. Fractions 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{-6}{6} - \frac{-1}{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-1}{2}$$ or -0.5

4. Fractions 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{\frac{-6}{5}}{\frac{4}{3}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-9}{10}$$ or -0.9

5. Significant figures

1. Write the following to 5 significant figures: 48.141209
Correct Answer
48.141 or $$4.8141\times10^{1}$$
2. Write the following to 2 significant figures: 0.57495160
Correct Answer
0.57 or $$5.7\times10^{-1}$$

6. Standard Form

1. Write the following in standard form to 5 significant digits: 10.5075
Correct Answer
2. Write the following in standard form to 4 significant digits: 0.000280245
Correct Answer

7. Significant figures

1. Write the following in preferred standard form to 2 significant digits: 0.000003659
Correct Answer
2. Write the following in preferred standard form to 3 significant digits: 0.10058
Correct Answer

8. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ 2\left(5 - -5\right)\frac{2 + -6}{-4(-3)} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-20}{3}$$ or -6.66667

9. Simplify 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \left(-2\times2 - 2(-3)\right)2\left(-5 - 6\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -44$$ or -44.0000

10. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{2(-5)6}{5(-2) + 5 - -4} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 60$$ or 60.0000

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