Maths Exam

1. Expand the Brackets

1. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ 6\left(-4e + -2Y\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -24e - 12Y $$
2. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ -3\left(5x + -2Q\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -15x + 6Q $$

2. Expand the Brackets

1. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ {\left(5P + -6h\right)}^{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 25{P}^{2} - 60Ph + 36{h}^{2} $$
2. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ {\left(-2x + -6f\right)}^{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 4{x}^{2} + 24xf + 36{f}^{2} $$

3. Collect Like Terms

1. Collect like terms to simplify the following:$$ -2c + 2j + -3v + -5j $$
Correct Answer
$$ -2c + -3j - 3v $$
2. Collect like terms to simplify the following:$$ 5R + -4Q + 2m + 2Q $$
Correct Answer
$$ 5R + -2Q + 2m $$

4. Adding fractions

1. Simplify the following:$$ \frac{4x + 1}{-4x + 1} + \frac{-6x + -6}{-2x + -6} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{16{x}^{2} + -8x - 12}{8{x}^{2} + 22x - 6} $$
2. Simplify the following:$$ \frac{-4x + -4}{5x + -6} + \frac{6x + 5}{-5x + -1} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{50{x}^{2} + 13x - 26}{-25{x}^{2} + 25x + 6} $$

5. Evaluate the following equations.

1. Find k to 3 significant figures in the following equation: $$ k = \frac{4\exp\left(y\right)\cos\left(x\right)}{(-z) + 4\sin\left(z\right)},$$ Given that x = -4.0, y = -1.0, z = 1.0
Correct Answer
2. Find V to 3 significant figures in the following equation: $$ V = \frac{{5}^{x}\left({2}^{z} - {2}^{y}\right)}{x - z},$$ Given that x = 5.0, y = 4.0, z = 1.0
Correct Answer

6. Rearrange the following equation.

1. Rearrange the following equation to get an expression for m: $$\exp\left(\frac{(-z\left(y - x\right))}{5}\right) = \frac{m}{y} + \cos\left(y\right) - \sqrt{x - z},$$
Correct Answer
$$m = \left(\exp\left(\frac{(-z\left(y - x\right))}{5}\right) + \sqrt{x - z} - \cos\left(y\right)\right)y$$
2. Rearrange the following equation to get an expression for m: $$\left(xy + \sin\left(z\right)\right)\sqrt{\exp\left(x\right)} = \frac{6\left(x - 4\right)m}{z\left(y - 1\right)},$$
Correct Answer
$$m = \frac{\frac{\left(xy + \sin\left(z\right)\right)\sqrt{\exp\left(x\right)}z\left(y - 1\right)}{6}}{x - 4}$$

7. Quadratic Equation

Solve the following equation to get a value for x:$$(-{x}^{2}) + (-x) + 5 = 0$$
Correct Answer
$$\frac{(-\left(1 + \sqrt{21}\right))}{2}$$ and $$\frac{(-\left(1 - \sqrt{21}\right))}{2}$$

8. Expand the Brackets

1. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ 4\left((-c) + (-f)\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -4c - 4f $$
2. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ 5\left(-4X + -6Q\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -20X - 30Q $$

9. Expand the Brackets

1. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ {\left(-6X + 5y\right)}^{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 36{X}^{2} - 60Xy + 25{y}^{2} $$
2. Expand the brackets to simplify the following:$$ {\left(-6e + -3h\right)}^{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 36{e}^{2} + 36eh + 9{h}^{2} $$

10. Collect Like Terms

1. Collect like terms to simplify the following:$$ -2g + 6S + 1n + -2S $$
Correct Answer
$$ -2g + 4S + n $$
2. Collect like terms to simplify the following:$$ 6R + 1j + 1m + -4j $$
Correct Answer
$$ 6R + -3j + m $$

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